Af hverju geta Demókratar ekki ákveðið sig?

Góð spurning hjá Jack Cafferty. Hvað veldur því eiginlega að Demókratar geta ekki ákveðið sig í þessum forsetaefnisslag sínum?

After a 16-month, often bruising fight between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, most Democrats aren’t eager for either candidate to drop out of the race. After all the contests and debates, speeches and TV commercials, fliers and phone calls, the Democrats want the suffering to continue

Það er nefnilega það. Og svörin sem hann fær eru ágæt.

They are making up their minds. When the votes are counted, the results will be clear: 52% for Obama and 48% for Clinton. So the Supreme Court will be called in and Clinton will be declared the winner, since she reflects the true Bush values more than McCain does

Oh dear, the choice one has to make. Sen. Clinton could be the least pleasant candidate, but is highly qualified for the job. But wait, the media hates her and there is that un-hip husband of hers. Sen. Obama is hopelessly unqualified for the job, but damn, the man can deliver a speech. But wait, there’s that whole elitist attitude, then calling his own granny a “typical white woman”. And he sat listening to Rev. Wright for 20 years (can you say serious lack of judgment?), but the media loves him and if I don’t vote for him, I get labeled a racist. Oh Jack, what is a Democrat with common sense and a brain to do?

Democratic voters have made up their minds: half are for Clinton, half are for Obama. It is the Democratic National Committee that has to make up its mind how it is going to fix the colossal mistake it made with regard to counting Florida and Michigan. If the Democrats lose in the fall, they can thank Howard Dean’s DNC for their self-inflicted failure

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