Bara harkan sex hjá IOC!

Einhvernveginn missti ég af þessu en það er hart tekið á Ara Abrahamian af aganefnd IOC.

The Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee, meeting today in Beijing, has reached a decision, based upon the recommendations of the IOC Disciplinary Commission, in the case of Mr Ara Abrahamian.
Mr Abrahamian is a Swedish athlete who stepped down from the podium and laid his medal on the floor during the awards ceremony for the men’s Greco-Roman wrestling 84kg event. He had received one of two bronze medals awarded.
The IOC Disciplinary Commission consisted of three persons: Dr Thomas Bach (Chairman), Denis Oswald and Sergey Bubka. All three are Olympians with extensive experience of elite sport etiquette.
The IOC Executive Board decided that Mr Abrahamian, Sweden:
1. Is disqualified from the event of men’s Greco-Roman wrestling, 84kg.
2. Is excluded from the Games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008.
3. Shall have his Olympic identity and accreditation card immediately cancelled and withdrawn.
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