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"A Clintonite in Denver" heitir ágæt grein Howard Wolfson, yfirmanni almannatengsla hjá Hilary Clinton í prófkjörsbaráttu hennar en greinin bar birt í WP í dag.

Þar segir hann frá hvernig hann og líklega margir aðrir í baráttuliði Clintons, upplifðu prófkjörsbaráttuna og ekki síður eftirleik hennar.

Most of us never heard him speak in person. At work 14 hours a day in the war room, we focused on his perceived faults and deficiencies. Our time was spent sharpening and advancing arguments. Skepticism was critical to our efforts. Insulated from Obamamania, I met few Obama supporters and distanced myself from the ones I knew. I lived this way for 18 months.

Once we ran out of states and the campaign ended, we were like Rip Van Winkle. We awoke to a world transformed by political currents we had stood against. There was the neighbor in an Obama T-shirt getting the morning paper. Every parked car on the street bore an Obama bumper sticker. Had they been there along, or did they pop up overnight?

Og hvernig upplifði hann svo flokksþingið í Denver?

Then came Thursday night at Invesco Field. During the campaign, we scoffed at events like this, mostly because we were not capable of producing them. A cross section of voters waited for hours to enter the stadium and take their seats. As one friend put it, it looked more like an American convention than the convention of any particular political party

Sumir draumar þurfa hreinlega að víkja fyrir öðrum.

Progress in America is never cheap, and even today history exacts a price for Obama's victory -- the dreams of electing the first female president, the dreams of so many who rushed toward Hillary Clinton on rope lines across America and refused to give up her hand and their hopes. Today these dreams are giving way to another kind of progress

Auðvitað er þetta framlag hans til að sameina liðið að baki Obama en það er vel gert hjá honum verður að segjast.

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