Pólitíkin og Olympíuleikarnir

Þegar að Kínverjar og IOC hafa komist að samkomulagi, já einmitt, samkomulagi, um að hætta ritskoðun internetsins hjá fréttamönnum á leikunum smellir forseti Hu fram einstaklega skemmtilegri fullyrðingu.

"The issue has been solved," IOC vice-president Gunilla Lindberg told Reuters.

"The IOC Coordination Commission and BOCOG met last night and agreed," she said, referring to Beijing's Olympic organizers. "Internet use will be just like in any Olympics."

Við skulum ekki gera leikana pólitíska segir Hu.

But Hu made a plea not to politicize a Games that many had hoped would lead the country of 1.3 billion on a path toward greater political reform to match years of breakneck growth that has made it the world's fourth-largest economy.

"I don't think that politicizing the Olympic Games will do anything good to addressing any of the issues," Hu said.

It is only inevitable for people from different countries and regions may not see eye to eye with one another on some different issues," he said.

"And I think in this context, we should enter into consultations on an equal footing to narrow our differences and expand our common ground on the basis of mutual respect."

Hah segi ég nú bara. Held að ég sé sammála eftirfarandi.

"The IOC and the Chinese government I think are the ones to be held accountable here ... I think the blame related for anything related to the politicization of the Olympics really falls on their shoulders," said Lhadon Tethong, executive director of Students for Free Tibet.

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